Gakkou no Kaidan Episode 8
Release: 2000 Genre: animation, comedy, sci fi fantasy, Actors: ayako kawasumi, fumiko orikasa, kotono mitsuishi, kumi sakuma, kumiko takizawa, kurumi mamiya, makoto tsumura, masaaki tsukada, nachi nozawa, naoko takano, ryusei nakao, takako honda, takehiro murozono, tomoko kawakami, yutaka aoyama,
Gakkou no Kaidan - The Ogre of the Underworld: The Circuits That Lead to Hell
Leo is convinced that there’s a ghostly website out there on the internet, and is determined to find it. Unfortunately for him… he does! Trapped in the computer, the rest of the gang needs to figure out how to apply old fashioned exorcism to new technologies.