Gakkou no Kaidan Episode 17
Release: 2000 Genre: animation, comedy, sci fi fantasy, Actors: ayako kawasumi, fumiko orikasa, kotono mitsuishi, kumi sakuma, kumiko takizawa, kurumi mamiya, makoto tsumura, masaaki tsukada, nachi nozawa, naoko takano, ryusei nakao, takako honda, takehiro murozono, tomoko kawakami, yutaka aoyama,
Gakkou no Kaidan - The Snow Specter: The Horror of Bloodstained Lake!!
The gang takes a trip to the mountains to stay at a resort run by Satsuki’s cousin Miyuki. However, upon arrival, a young girl tells them that Miyuki is dead. It seems that her ghost still haunts the frozen lake, turning it blood red. But this story might not be as simple as it seems…