Gakkou no Kaidan Episode 2
Release: 2000 Genre: animation, comedy, sci fi fantasy, Actors: ayako kawasumi, fumiko orikasa, kotono mitsuishi, kumi sakuma, kumiko takizawa, kurumi mamiya, makoto tsumura, masaaki tsukada, nachi nozawa, naoko takano, ryusei nakao, takako honda, takehiro murozono, tomoko kawakami, yutaka aoyama,
Gakkou no Kaidan - Akagami Aogami: A Hand Reaches Out from the Toilet...
Something is stinking up the town, and it isn’t just urban reconstruction! A ghost has invaded the school’s bathrooms, and it’s up to Satsuki and the gang to find out how to put it back to sleep. The old book left by Satsuki’s mom just might be the ticket.