One-Punch Man Episode 4
Release: 2015 Tayang: 2015-10-25 Genre: action adventure, animation, comedy, Actors: aoi yuki, daisuke namikawa, hatano wataru, hiroki yasumoto, kaito ishikawa, katsuyuki konishi, kazuhiro yamaji, kenjirou tsuda, kohsuke toriumi, makoto furukawa, mamoru miyano, masaya onosaka, minami takayama, saori hayami, takahiro sakurai, tesshou genda, youji ueda,
One-Punch Man - The Modern Ninja
A group of battlesuit-clad terrorists called “The Paradisers” appears in City F, led by an enormous man known as Hammerhead. Calling for the redistribution of wealth, the group targets the fat-cat Zeniru, who in turn dispatches his bodyguard to defeat them. Unfortunately, Saitama is on the same errand.