Natsume Yuujinchou San Episode 7
Release: 2008 Tayang: 2011-08-16 Genre: animation, Actors: akemi okamura, akira ishida, ako mayama, asami seto, ayako kawasumi, choo, daisuke ono, eiji itou, higuchi akari, hiroshi kamiya, hiroshi shimozaki, hisayoshi suganuma, kazuhiko inoue, kazuhiro yamaji, kazuma horie, kazutomi yamamoto, kyoko chikiri, mikako komatsu,
Natsume Yuujinchou San - Exorcist
Natsume finds out who’s been stealing the youkai blood: the exorcist Matoba Seiji. He investigates with the help of Natori, but is captured by Matoba’s servant youkai. Matoba is willing to sacrifice any number of youkai for his own ambitions. He tells Natsume why he’s gathering blood: to release the seal on a powerful youkai. Natsume learns that there are people who treat Youkai in a totally different way than he or even Natori.