Natsume Yuujinchou Go Episode 2
Release: 2008 Tayang: 2016-10-11 Genre: animation, Actors: akemi okamura, akira ishida, ako mayama, asami seto, ayako kawasumi, choo, daisuke ono, eiji itou, higuchi akari, hiroshi kamiya, hiroshi shimozaki, hisayoshi suganuma, kazuhiko inoue, kazuhiro yamaji, kazuma horie, kazutomi yamamoto, kyoko chikiri, mikako komatsu,
Natsume Yuujinchou Go - Mischievous Rain
On a rainy day, Natsume meets a young girl youkai. Her name isn’t in the Book of Friends, but she wants his help anyway: she wants him to find a man she met once. The man couldn’t see youkai normally, but a mischievous trick of the weather let him see her for just one day. For the next fifty years she visited him, hoping he’d see her one more time, but he never did. Now he’s vanished. Can Natsume find him for her?