Dou Shen Ji Episode 9
Release: 2021 Tayang: 2021-11-29 Genre: animation, sci fi fantasy, Director: %e5%ad%99%e6%99%93%e5%85%89, %e6%9d%8e%e6%97%8e, %e9%be%9a%e9%9c%87%e5%8d%8e, Actors: arisa nakada, aya suzaki, ayana taketatsu, hiromi igarashi, kaori ishihara, rie takahashi,
Dou Shen Ji - Heralds from the Extra Dimension
Leaving behind the good news that Captain Judith is still alive, the Atra-Hasis continues its journey towards Jupiter. Suddenly, as the ship�s power is cut off, hundreds of thousands of Nergals appear out of nowhere. Among them, there�s one that is at least ten times larger than normal, and on top of it is�